Powersprint training can be great for elite, masters and youth - look further down the page at some video clips but could also be extremely useful
for example for: Fast ball player (see example below), ice hockey player,
and speed skaters
The purpose of the Powersprint machine is specific strength training to improve the sprint speed. It is not a machine for isolate muscles. You move freely relative to the equipment and it could be compared with a barbell
with some simple mechanical additional items, with help of which you could
lift the weights. Power Sprint speed has successfully been used since the 90's and
no damage has occurred. The equipment is sized even for very heavy loads for explosive maximum strength training both for elite performers, youth and older "masters"
"I got the basics for speed with Powersprint"
The book "Strength Speed. Technology and training for sprinter speed and long jump. A new type of specific strength training for speed called Powersprint is presented. Muscle strength - Scientific basic". Here is also a completely new book! "The Technique of Sprinting". Look further down in the text.
About technology and training for sprinter speed and long jump. Powersprint, a new type of specific strength training for speed is presented. Muscle strength - scientifically basic. The book is richly illustrated with training plans and lots of exercises. The author, a former swedish coach and physical education teacher, is also describing technology and training according to Carl Lewis's coach Tom Tellez and the swedish sprinter Henrik Olausson. this training with an example - a Program Decades of continued power sprint training are behind the proposal to use this Powersprint also for general strength and health for the older masters. Many of which no longer are competing but still love the explosive athletics emphasized training.
In comparison with Clean and Snatch, the most used special exercises with weights for the sprintmuscles, you could come much closer to the actual sprintstride and use it with the same feeling as in your earlier olympic lifting, but now with a new experience of a real sprintaction with better mobility and power in the important hipextension.
Three important points:
- The possibility to use either light or very heavy weights.
- You feel more safety with the heavy weights compare to the olympics
- Perfect safety strength training for masters for health and for great results in the sprinting and longjump
The famous swedish sprintcoach Håkan Andersson have in many years used an older power sprint machine designed primarily for basic strength training of gluteus and hamstring , aspecially with heavy weights. He used it when he trained the Swedish 100m rekordholder Peter Karlsson and Torbjörn Eriksson before they each won the bronzemedal at Indoor European Championship 1996 on 60m resp. 200m. Recent years Håkan Andersson has been training Stefan Tärnhuvud, the best swedish 100m sprinter in the years 2008-2012 and and together with him, the best swedish sprinter 2013-16 Tom Kling-Baptiste. Their personal best 10.35, respectively. 10.25. The next movie clip shows Stefan in action with that old machine, but we deliver only the new machine now. The author think there is a certain risk of Back problems with this old construction.
with a newly constructed Swedish Powersprint machine. The movie clip first shows Powersprint creator
Jan Melen flanked by William and his also very promising twin brother Viktor (p.rec.10.79)
1. Insertion (planting) the edge of foot blade, whereupon the ankle immediately is pressed down towards the track with a slight heel contact
. 2. The leg forms an elastic rod with slight knee bending.
3. The ankle explodes like a catapult.
4. The extension of the knee joint typically uncomplete.
Powersprint, weight lifting machine for strength, technique and speed.
The Book: "Strength Speed. Spiral-bound, black-and-white photo textReview
Order: www.amazon
Positive statement: TrackNation
Questions about Powersprint and possible ordering from company: Strength Speed and Health